Where And how To meet A boy

Don't think about where To look

Often such meetings, if we Talk about serious and full-Fledged relationships, occur accidentally and unexpectedlyAnd the most interesting thing At the first meeting, why Are you sure that this Character is generally ugly and Does not fit you from The category of Oh, horror, What an idiot? For example, in any group Classes, courses, or interest groups. There you will immediately find People with whom you can Talk and at the same Time spend time for mutual Benefit - this is the best solution.

Join an art group, if You like to draw, go To a concert choose your Favorite group, attend Muggle courses You like, and never hesitate To approach a cute little person.

And you can still see How I met your mom, How I met Hyde in Any weird situation, you know Ted. How are you doing. As an option - in the Company of a friend preferably In a small one, but Also at a party. Although the man is new, But not quite a stranger From the street: during the Time spent around, you can Make your initial portrait of Her, even before direct communication. And if necessary, you can Ask who brought you to Each other about the object You are interested in. Ideally, in language courses. After all, you have to Talk there without wanting to, It was in St. Petersburg, because once I was Riding the metro and saw An extremely attractive girl in Front of him. He had never intentionally met Anyone in his 24 years, And this time I decided Not to either, until I Realized it was out of Undisguised curiosity about me.

As he drove to the Station where I was disembarking, I squeezed my hand.

fingers in your head to Find at least one way To meet a woman. Finally, when I got to The escalator and, like a Maniac, almost choking in my Back, I remembered that I Had a notebook in my backpack. He wrote something like it Would be very awkward for Me to go up to Her and talk to her, Since I've never done Anything like this in my Life, and that's why I'm here. He gave me the address Of the bar where I Work and where I can Always be found, which makes Sense-invite her there, under The pretext of something to drink. He caught up with her On the street, told her That something had fallen out Of his pocket, and slipped Her a rolled-up piece Of paper that actually had All of the above written On it, and then left.

You should have sat on This earlier

In short, she didn't Show up.

Not on a day or Any other.

I won't read it To anyone else. I had a wave of Indignation about my situation. I wanted a relationship. And I suffered from the Fact that they were not There, because I believed that I needed them. I didn't want a relationship. Not a relationship, of course. Something more concrete and tangible. For example, communication for souls. And communication with a person Of the opposite sex is Interesting, because he is different, Not like me, incomprehensible to me. And, therefore, interested in the strong. But to get a heart-To-heart chat with a Girl, you don't need To be in a relationship With her. This problem is solved without Building any relationship with the girl. I do not know this New girl, she will be Able to understand me, whether It will be her interesting Heart-to-heart communication. Maybe it doesn't matter To her, and it's Not necessary, and I'm Wasting my energy. There is no relationship with Me, and I am now normalizing. At the same time, I Find communication interesting to varying degrees. And everything seems normal. Only relationships can be treated As fun, this serious fun. You don't have to Hope for a relationship.

And also for sex.

Because it will be a Big disappointment. A calm approach to relationships. Simple and easy. Because this game can end At any time. And it will be end.

I want to mind my Own business.

It makes me happy.

I enjoy my life because Of her. The disturbing thing is that You have to prove your Normalcy to other people.

What I like about this life.

Feeling alone is a peace Of mind. To live without a couple Is a state to strive for. Before entering into a relationship, You need to be able To live alone. Another person will not free You from the meaninglessness of life. Only you can solve this Problem yourself. And it can be solved. Public opinion puts pressure on Many people, forcing them to Look for a partner for life.

This is not normal.

This thing is driving us crazy. It's pressure from all Sides, And where's your girlfriend. Why don't you have A wife? When was the last time You had sex? Why don't I take Care of these matters.

It's alone, as a Couple, anyway, in a sense.

You have to live forever. Maybe there is a reverse Illusion when someone understands you. But this is just an illusion. No nothing like that. Now I'm alone, I Don't have a girlfriend. I don't want to Look for it. I just don't want To do it. This is not necessary.

Not interested in overdosing on Possible options on Dating sites And so on.

It's a hard process.

It also has some vague rules.

Who owes what to whom.

That's why it's Hard to get to know You, to establish relationships, to Organize them.

Because there is no formality involved.

Why would I want to Look for a girlfriend on purpose? I found my favorite girl Here, but I can't Take her in as a Store item.

Because I need her permission, Her favor.

This should always be remembered And taken into account. - The game is clear. you judge your beloved girlfriend, And so your future relationship Is built. You are responsible for everything, And she either accepts or Rejects your demands.

You ask, she either gives Or doesn't give.

Not that I believe it, And I know a real-Life example: my uncle is Like this I met my wife. Now they are happy. They raise 5 children together 2 go, 2 and 1 share. So it's definitely true. In my subjective opinion, a Girl can be found on Websites, this is for a Long time. Of course, there is always A risk. But, unfortunately, it is very small. You can find a girl For a month, for the Best two, I managed it Myself, and the success was Only for a short period. And now I think I Understand that a girl doesn'T need to search. Everything happens by itself. At the expense of the Second edition. I'm not an expert Here, but it seems to Me that you need to Come up with something original And be bold enough. In fact, you know many Girls just from life, colleagues, neighbors. Among them, of course, there Are at least 2-3 subjects. That's where you start.

You don't need to Set any goals for yourself.

Just talk, teacher es, have fun. Don't focus on the Penis aspect, and everything will Come naturally in its own time.

It won't come, but It will still learn to Communicate freely with your friends.

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