How To meet A girl On the Internet: where To start

Online Dating is becoming increasingly popular

This is because both girls And boys feel more confident When communicating on social mediaTherefore, it is very important To know how to meet A girl online, because it Is much easier than in Real life. Write to the girl at The beginning of the article With her friendship, if it Is doda, then half. For more effect applied to Her photos and messages on Her raucous wall, this is Definitely, it will be pleasant And add some points of Interest to your person. If you are very afraid Of rejection and are afraid, You can use this technique. When choosing the right goddess, Set a label on your Picture, preferably on your avatar. If she responds with a Like for your photos, then You can confidently add them To your friends and get acquainted. Usually this technique is used By girls, they put as A young man in the Photo and wait for him To write. So if a stranger rated Your photos, you can safely Find out, you need to Give the green light. But do not forget to Clarify, do not give the Show or the girl why These additional showdowns and scandals Are needed. Find out why she has A disorder, it is possible That the girl is just. In this way, she may Unknowingly ask you for sympathy Or support. please tell us something funny Or ridiculous about yourself.

Girls like to be taken Care of, so try to Create such an atmosphere in The correspondence that she thinks That you don't care About her emotional state.

Pay attention to the content And emotional color of the correspondence. Try not to offend her By accident. Dating on the Internet was Effective and can lead to Closer communication in the future, Adhere to several rules that Will help you find the Right girl: the most difficult Thing is to establish communication, Find something in common, make Communication develop and get to Know each other. If you already have this Stage, half done, you can Celebrate the first victory. Many girls really like it When you refer to them As you, at least in The first few messages. This creates the image of A gentleman that no lady Can resist.

If a girl complains about Your mood, try to cheer Her up

But these are simple and Even banal examples that are Not new to any beauty, Which girls like when they Surprise them.

A surprise can also be Different, but for a successful Acquaintance it is better to Still cause positive emotions.

A phrase like your mother'S son-in-law is Not needed is unlikely to Catch the soul of a Decent person, they are more Likely to appear, and a Person using such constructions will Fall into the sink or blacklist. And let him forget about Close communication with this lady forever. Hello, I think we've Met somewhere before, not that You've been to any party.

The girl will frantically mention You, and by making assumptions, Will be able to tell You where she likes to go.

In the future, you can Admit that he was wrong, Or it was a joke. But the communication still wants To continue. You can write some confusion And wait for the girl'S reaction. After a while, you can Apologize and justify the fact That he broke in, and In any case did not Want to offend her.

In Vkontakte, you can make Gifts, take advantage of this, Give a girl a beautiful Card with a compliment.

Such a beautiful gesture will Make you spend a little, But on the girl, it Will give a good effect. And finally, you can pretend To be a romantic. Write to the girl about Any signs that point to it. For example, a dream or Some premonition when he saw Her photo. You can write that I'Ve already seen her a Few times in the Mall, You really like her, but They didn't want to Get any closer. And now we've come Across her social media page. All the girls go to Shopping malls, so she can'T make a mistake. And what they emphasized to Her out of the whole Crowd, in her opinion, will Not allow you to ignore you. It is better to start A conversation with a girl On the Internet as a compliment. It should not be trivial, And really suits the chosen First lady.

For example, you have a Very beautiful smile, or when You smile, you have such Super dimples on your cheeks.

Similar compliments are appropriate if The girls are photos that Confirm this. In addition, during the meeting And at the beginning of Communication, many men make the Mistake of complimenting a girl'S Breasts or ass. Such comments can affect a Girl with negative thoughts. It is too flat and It is also not necessary To praise what is not There, it is unlikely that It will move away if The girl respects and respects Herself enough. You can start a conversation With jokes, but it's Such an adventure that you Can't clearly tell if It's going to happen Or not. First of all, you need To know how to make jokes. Secondly, there is the fact That the interlocutor has a Sense of humor, so he May simply not understand and Be offended. In addition, life has long Shown that men and women Think differently. But for this very original Method, girls appreciate and love. Even if it wasn't Like that once, of course, You can sleep together, and In the future everything will Be in your hands. Or, for example, enjoy some holiday. If you look at the Calendar, then almost every day Is a holiday: the day Of smiles, happiness, flowers, cats, Dogs, coffee tea lovers and Much more.

And you can always come Up with a holiday yourself.

Such awareness, care and romance Will not allow a girl To be rude or refuse. To show that you are You can be interesting. before you write to her, Get acquainted with her data And interests. Look at the bands she Consists of, or the music She listens to. In this case, you can Surpass the General interests and Write that you found her In a certain Vkontakte group. The girl will really like That among all the things That you paid attention to Only her. It gives you the impression That you will be able To understand it, and this Is important. After all, every girl considers Herself the best, beautiful, interesting And desirable.

Where to start and how To conduct a conversation in Order to please and at The same time understand whether You are enjoying this correspondence.

After the greeting on duty And the tour itself, of Course, you need to know The interests and Hobbies of The girl. Standard questions that she can'T do without usually help: Where does she study? If at home, then in What specialty, or maybe she Already works. Why not ask in which Industry or position to ask Questions based on her interests. For example, whether she likes Animals or plays an instrument. Try to find a common Language so that you know What topics you can talk About without sounding boring or stupid. Women like smart men, but Don't try to appear Like someone you're not. This information will help you Determine if you have common Interests and views. Are you interested in the Other person as a person? And in General, whether to Continue acquaintance.

But don't forget that She will also answer similar Questions, albeit truthfully, and that You will also evaluate and Draw some conclusions.

When talking to a girl, It is important to write Correctly, no one needs poetic poems.

You should at least not Make mistakes in simple words, Illiterate writing can easily push You away.

Try not to be offended, Even if you have any Disputes during the correspondence.

Remember that in a dispute, The truth is born. It's also a good Opportunity to see if your New acquaintance can control her Emotions, and whether she can Count on an opinion. Simply put, it's special. In a conversation with a Beautiful woman, try to maintain Lightness, so that communication is Rich in solitude, without straining Too personal and intimate questions At the very beginning. Try to make more jokes. Show that you are interested In talking, asking questions with A trick, but not vulgar Or offensive. Send emoticons and stickers with Smiles, use faces. Such communication relaxes the girl, She will reach you if She is morally kind and Calm with you.

Guys often doubt whether to Continue communicating and will answer If the girl is next time.

The main reason, social contacts, Is desire. If you don't want To say it yourself, then It's best not to Force yourself to force someone Else to write it. For this, the reluctance to Communicate will pay off very quickly.

It's pretty easy to Guess when a person isn'T interested in socializing.

For example, short answers, lack Of initiative and no emotions, Just dry correspondence.

If you feel this attitude With on the part of The girl, it is better To end such an acquaintance.

Look for another companion who Will be interested in communicating With you. The format of correspondence is Very important.

The presence of flirting in The correspondence indicates something.

This is not only an Interest, but also a special Communication that brings both interlocutors Positive emotions and colors a Smile on their faces.

In addition, it suggests that Familiarity can develop into a Closer and more intimate relationship.

If at first communication is Easy and natural on both Sides, then everything is fine.

Most likely, such correspondence will Turn into communication in the Future, as little as possible.

Discomfort in contacts on at Least one side is easy To recognize: you will not Be able to eliminate this discomfort.

Yes, and someone will like It when they talk to Him, because they are afraid To offend. It is better to immediately Stop such correspondence and find A more interested companion. Girls like long-lasting, resourceful, Funny guys. For some people, the mind Is very important. Charismatic men attract more, than Beautiful ones. Girls are very charmed by Kindness and care. Find good qualities in yourself And try to show them In your correspondence. It is more pleasant for A person to talk with An open and friendly person. If you have any disadvantages, Try out their advantages or Show that you are not shy. Of course, we are talking About the correct defects.

Suddenly-inform the girl, preferably In a comic way.

Tell us about a feature Or, for example, if you'Ve lost your mind or Started to stutter a little. Tell me some story related To this. Then most of the time It seems nice and wants To support you.

This wish will be in Your favor.

Most girls wait for the First step from guys, so Men remember that the stronger Sex, even on mailing lists, Is a predator. Girls like determined and ambitious Guys, and they easily recognize Them even on social networks. Therefore, in the first period Of their communication, most girls Will wait for the first Message only from the guy. For a fair gender, this, In turn, measures the degree Of men's interest in Your communication. In the future, if your Communication reaches a higher level, Your interlocutor will be able To establish communication with You first. Remember that girls like the Initiative of guys, and, as Usual, do not waste time With those with whom they Do not need to talk. Therefore, if you see that A girl in correspondence with You is flirting, you can Confidently ask her for a Phone number and continue to meet. It is unlikely that the Girl will give up on You, maybe only, and not On you. It is important not to Back down to calm the Girl down and the world Was in your pocket, or Rather in the phone's Address book. In the event of a Breakdown, do not insult the Girl in any way and Do not try to offend her. This will also save you From unnecessary negativity. Why spoil your mood unnecessarily? If one girl didn't Succeed, then the other one Will definitely succeed. Everyone has different tastes and Views on life. So don't get discouraged And get over it. a flaw in the heart. Believe in yourself, listen to Advice and talk to girls Completely freely.

The most important thing is That this communication gives you Pleasure.

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