HOW AND WHERE TO LEARN ITALIAN. My life In Italy Video Chat Dating

And you need to look For a bar in specific places

For those who love Italy And not far from getting To know the Italian macho Man, but not sure where To start or where to Look, in this article I Want to give you a List of the most fashionable Exclusive places in Milan where You can meet an interesting personThe most important thing, my Dear ones, is to understand That you don't need To look for serious guys Where they are supposed to Be, that is, in expensive Restaurants and clubs. For dinner in an expensive Restaurant, serious men in Milan Are mostly in the company Of family or colleagues, and Often do not get to Know each other. And if they do get To know each other, they Rarely have serious intentions. There are also young people In the clubs at the Last Cup, where the percentage Of fruitful excursions is also Low, unfortunately. Really pay attention to a Serious and high-status person, Surprisingly, perhaps for a morning Coffee or lunch at the bar. the area of dentists and Plastic surgeons is one of The richest strata of Italian Society, the hotel restaurant, the Radio bar on the top Floor of the hotel, restaurant On the beach on the Street, be sure to go For dinner behind the bar In the cafe on there Are just curious serious men Ready to meet.Most importantly, do not forget To look right, in a European way: no mini-skirts, Short dresses and shoes. Of course, no one canceled The heels, but the style Should be either casual blouse To jeans, or an elegant Suit, and, of course, the Perfect makeup, styling and manicure.

This is incredibly important for Italian men.2

However, by attracting the attention Of your macho self and Starting an acquaintance, you can Get there without knowing the Culture and mentality, without having An idea of what Italians Value women and what they Expect from you.

That's why I'll Give you some tips.1 You must learn how To cook pasta purely in Italian, like his mother.

you must match the pure Italian style: not too bright Colors in clothes and cosmetics, They should be elegant and Sexy, but in no case kitschy.


you should fill it in With compliments. Italians are incredibly prone to compliments. Their women are very tough And often overwhelm men, so There is an angelic Russian Face that one day falls Out of their spells.4 And, of course, it Helps a lot with your Italian language skills. Although the most minimal. He brings you very close During the meeting.1 If it is raining Outside and lets him in, Or even more dangerously - at His parents ' house by acquaintance - Under no circumstances is it Allowed to carry an umbrella In the hall to dry It - this is a very Bad sign for them.2 in Italy, young women Do not wear tights with Flowers, this color has a Very unpleasant taste. Wear black, gray, brown, but Not beige 3. In a restaurant or on A trip, you need to Be very careful with a Bottle of olive oil, God Forbid you drop or break It - a terrible omen And You want to know the List of Italian Dating sites. If you want to, write To me in the comments. If we encounter a lot Of comments - I will definitely Write an article with the Full list.

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