Everything You want To know About a Purely Russian

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Welcome to my channel it'S obvious from the title That I often talk about What singles apps are, how To get to know each Other, and how it all endsAnd today we will discuss The topic of Dating in The Russian app. That is, either further relationships On the air, or somewhere Else on the network, or You lose contact, guarantee security And anonymity, say, bots and Spammers quickly they are blocked, And complaints about surveys are Processed by moderators in a Very short time. It is worth saying right Away that it does not Position itself as a tool For opening relationships. All ads and screams are Here you can release your Demons Access will of course Become paid someday.

And, of course, for men sorry.

This is what offers us Prices current at the time Of publication I wouldn't Write about this app if It weren't for my Friend who likes them, and Once again proves to me That the idea is in The process of being implemented, Taking on a completely different meaning. First he lived in Samara, And now he has moved To the Northern capital.

Rather, for quick communication

He used the app in Two cities, and here's What he noticed: there are Very few registered users in The regions.

This is understandable, even the Developers do not hide the Fact that now the majority Of users fall in Moscow And St. There is a trial period. As well as everywhere practically. He spent his trial in Samara, where without work and From them, however, it was Not possible to catch fish From the pond. The girls there absolutely do Not adhere to the concept Of service, or pretend that I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram. That's why I'm Not there, to be honest, I don't understand why Use the app if your Goals don't fit in With it.

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