7 Rules for Communicating with Girls by Video

quality at 360p in 2020, It's in poor taste, Just know

Those who say that the Internet can not find a Couple for a serious relationship, Apparently, do not know that In addition to intimate conversations, There are other resourcesAnd if you decide to Have a serious relationship, it Is better to immediately abandon Direct allusions to sex, so As not to panic with Your partner. Remember that girls, and especially Beautiful ones, offer to show The device or fall asleep Several pieces a day, and Any hint of sex, at Least at the beginning of Communication, will provoke a negative reaction.

If you need a girl For one night, then there Are specialized services for this, Where you do not need To hit the Bush, because Both guys and girls know Why they go there.

In any case, you need To understand why you are Looking for a date, and From this build your further Strategy to win the girl'S attention. If you've ever watched A video, you can often See some cheerful men over 40 in a t-shirt - With a well-equipped belly. What a sight, come on. And imagine how such a Picture is seen by a Girl who is used to Washing several times a day And carefully choosing an outfit To go to a nearby store.

Just be yourself within reason, Of course

Remember that a person is First judged by his clothes, And then in his mind, So you should dress stylishly Not in a tail coat, Of course, simple for everyday Life is also suitable and Look neat.

Then you will pass the First stage of selection and Get 1 point for success In attracting the attention of An interesting woman.

Another factor related to the Appearance, but already in the Room where you are located. You can be dressed in A hand-sewn suit as Well as the agents, but If you have a mountain Of dirty water in the Sink behind you, if there Is a meter-long layer Of dust, it is unlikely To make an impression on Your companion. The place should be clean, Free of debris and unnecessary Details in the background, and As bright as possible. Believe that they can see All the smallest details of Your daily life, so approach Them responsibly. Well, do not forget that The girl may ask You To show the rest of Your apartment, be prepared for This and try to reach The highest level. Obviously, I don't encourage You to buy a 4KB Camera with a frame rate Of 60, but use at Least some hardware. This way, yours will better Show you, your emotions and Everything else that is important To know when communicating. Keep in mind that many Chats still have problems with Connection quality and compression, which Makes even high-quality video Blurry and fuzzy once it Passes through the server. But if you use video Chat, then there are quality Problems there it won't Work, because the service's Uncompressed algorithms stream video in A comfortable format, so there Aren't enough problems with Full-screen pixels as an Internet connection. This element is especially important For guys and introverts who Don't really get along With the opposite sex or, In General, with all people.

they write a small script By themselves you can even Practice in front of the Mirror and decide which options Seem important to you and Which ones are better left out.

Speaking of proprieties: do not Talk too much about everything That is strange to you, And in any case, not All girls are ready to Find out your truth in The first minutes of Dating. It is better to move On to personal topics after The second or third conversation, And at the beginning it Is worth limiting the basic Information, of course, where appropriate, With humor. This may not be as Bad as asking you to Show your Breasts immediately after Starting a conversation, but it Will almost certainly lead to A loss of interest in The conversation. When a boy tries to Get into someone else's Role usually an alpha male, He will you must constantly Strain yourself not to do Anything superfluous and lose the mask. If you are a bad Actor, the girl will immediately Open you up and change, And if she is good, She will start thinking that Something is wrong with her, Because you are nervous. If you like to swing In online games, then do Not hesitate to talk about it.

Perhaps your interlocutor also likes Or is not far from Skating on ice rinks in.

Yes, such women also exist. At the very least, you Can meet in, if, of Course, you try to find It.

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